New parents may reach out to a lactation consultant for a multitude of reasons. These may include difficult/painful latching, concerns about infant weight gain and/or milk supply, suspected oral tethers, breast** refusal and much more. There are also those times when feeding may be going well but parents want that extra piece of mind that comes from a trusted lactation expert.
The initial visit may include, but is not limited to: detailed health history for both parent and baby, breast/nipple assessment, infant oral assessment, and observation of feeding/pumping session.

These visits are designed for established clients who require extended support. These visits could cover new topics like returning to work/pumping, teething, introduction to solids, weaning and/or for continued resolution of previous concerns.
My aim is to create an inclusive space for all parents. Throughout this site, you will see the terms "breast" and "breastfeeding". These terms are used to describe the milk-making anatomy of the human body, regardless of gender.